This page guides you through the configuration process to get your company up and running

with Wallkit.

Whether you just started using Wallkit, read this quick start guide to summarize your next steps

and follow the links to in-depth, step-by-step directions.

STEP 1 - Adding a resource to the system.

Go to, choose a plan, and fill out the form.

After processing your request, we will send you an invite by email.

When you accept the invite and finish the registration, your website will be added to the Wallkit

system and access the Wallkit dashboard.

STEP 2 - Installing and configuring the plugin:

For WordPress users

For a simple and quick guide on installation, please visit our detailed instruction.

For other users

If a client uses other than the WordPress system, we will provide the instruments so the client

will be able to integrate the system himself:

wallkit-js-sdk- authorization, check-access, and other functions are available as a set of

methods that a client uses when necessary.