The WK plugin is designed to simplify working with Wallkit. It has easy and powerful configuration tools that enable the most progressive paid-content system to your WordPress site and helps integrate into your existing processes quickly.

With the WK plugin, you're able to:

Getting Started with default integration

1. Setup the Wallkit plugin in WordPress.

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, choose Plugins →Add New.
  2. Search "WALLKIT" (or follow this link).
  3. Click Install Now.

2. Activate the Wallkit plugin.

Make sure the Wallkit plugin is active by by enabling Wallkit Plugin active checkbox.

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 14.53.52.png

3. Setting up API keys

To connect with your Wallkit account, you need your public and private keys. They can be found by navigating to the Resource settings in the Wallkit Dashboard.