This page provides data to work with the Wallkit Paywall system and build an integration that can

handle complex paywall flows, popups, firebase authentication, and analytics.


1. Add the <script src="./wallkit-integration-library.js"></script> to your html body.

2. Init the library with constructor new WallkitIntegration(options).

3. Enjoy


const options = {
    public_key: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx',
    mode: 'prod',
    version: 'v1',
    auth: { // default false
        firebase: { // default true
            config: { // wallkit net config default
                apiKey: "xxxx",
                authDomain: "",
                databaseURL: "<>",
                projectId: "project-id",
                storageBucket: "",
                messagingSenderId: "xxxx",
                appId: "x:xxxx:xxx:xxxx",
                measurementId: "x-xxxxxxx"
            providers: ['email', 'google'], // ['email', 'google] - default
            tosURL: '<>', // <> - default
            privacyPolicyURL: '<>', // <> - default
        modal: {
            title: 'Authorisation', // Sign In - default
    analytics: {
        parseUTM: true // true - default
