<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/37bf9392-c374-452d-a731-85c65ce1fa94/alert.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/37bf9392-c374-452d-a731-85c65ce1fa94/alert.svg" width="40px" /> Wallkit is completely API-based – giving you the option to let your development team enhance your integration, or outsource it to WK developers.


Welcome to Wallkit Integration Library!

If you are an admin of a website connected to the Wallkit paywall - this library enables Wallkit

popups integration along with Wallkit SDK.

Wallkit Integration Library consists of 2 parts:

Docs on Wallkit SDK methods are available **at this link**.

Wallkit Popups methods description and examples of Wallkit Integration Library initialization can

be found below.

Wallkit Integration Library

To initialize Wallkit Integration Library, please copy wallkit-integration-library.js

file into your project's directory and insert following initialization code (right after <body>


(function (d, s) {
    let lb, sdk, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById('wallkit-integration-library')) return;
    lb = d.createElement(s);
    lb.id = 'wallkit-integration-library';
    lb.src = "<https://wallkit.net/js/wallkit-integration-library.js>";
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(lb, fjs);
    window.wkAsyncInit = () => {
        public_key: "bc3adcd3-9156-44bd-bc89-8092a58c6ae9",
        version: "v1"
    if (d.getElementById('wallkit-sdk')) return;
    sdk = d.createElement(s);
    sdk.id = 'wallkit-sdk';
    sdk.src = "<https://wallkit.net/js/wallkit.umd.min.js>";
    lb.parentNode.insertBefore(sdk, lb);
  }(document, 'script'));

Where [publickKey] (default: public key of Wallkit Demo resource) is your Wallkit resource