Build your integration using our API reference documentation and libraries.


Wallkit support REST API for integration purposes and can be separated into 2 logical parts:

For Wallkit admins allows managing all the

following entities in Wallkit System:

For **Wallkit users** allows managing:

In our guide, you can also look at a specific API by going to this page and viewing endpoints

divided into appropriate sections.

Use the following core API objects:

Object Definition
Resource A unique key for the site
Token A token is generated by authorization of the user in the Wallkit system.
Content Virtual content or any media content that a user will have access to after purchasing related content in the Wallkit system, buying access to one content proceeds once.
Taxonomy It is a way to group content.
Term The names for the different groupings in a taxonomy are called terms. Using groupings of animals as an example, we might contact one group, "birds," and another group, "fish." “Fish” and “birds” are terms in our taxonomy.
Content type Example: post, file, video, image, report, ticket.
Bundle Two or more content items or plan items.
Plan Entity for user subscription. It contains priority and active duration time attributes. It consists of subscriptions that describe the price and user assign conditions in the plan. Users can be subscribed to the plan. For paid plans, auto-withdrawals will be applied. A user will be unsubscribed from the current plan in case of failed withdrawals. Depending on resource configuration, a user can be assigned to another plan, or a user can be unassigned to any plan. A default plan can be configured in resource settings to give a user automatically upon registration.
Subscription This entity belongs to a plan, describing price and user-assigned conditions in the plan. Each user can buy content (e.g., access to the article). After purchasing this content (payment is made, and the transaction of this payment is saved in the database), the user gets access to this content. This access can be checked using this request.

Password Reset procedure

Works as follows:

1. Send API request to/reset-password, this would result in password-reset link e-mailed to the

 user, containing reset “code"

2. Upon receiving the code, validate it using /confirm-password endpoint and receive a t

 emporary password reset token.

3. To complete the password reset procedure, send a new password to /user/password


Response messages

Wallkit uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.