Tikit — is a ticket sales platform that keeps audience data all in one place but, crucially, allows
publishers to bundle subscription offers with tickets.
The importance of combining tickets with subscriptions is evident — together with the
subscription management platform provides your marketing team with advanced capabilities to
market events and subscriptions simultaneously.
Selling tickets with Wallkit is easy, please follow this guide:
You can create as many ticket pricing options as possible in the right-hand column.
For these sample events, we start with a single 100 USD option.
Define the pricing that you want to make available for the event.
Quantity - the maximum number of tickets available. You can come back at any time to increase the number of tickets.
Quantity range - the number of tickets we can issue per person.
Set up the sale start and end dates.
Ticket Sales End — the day the tickets will automatically become unavailable for purchase.
Mailchimp Tags — automatically add people to a mailing list when a person buys a ticket for a specific event.
Assign subscriptions — when you run a major event and want to promote your subscriptions during the event, it's a good idea to sell event tickets and include subscriptions within these prices.