In the Wallkit Dashboard, you can get the information you need that best reflects your business and help to keep track of progress in your integration, revenue, and discover your audience.

On this page


The best way to understand your data is to visualize it. With dashboards, you can display your data in specific lists and charts, which allow you to compare your data side-by-side to identify patterns and connections.

The dashboard is displayed by default when you log into your account. But you can also go to it, just opening the tab on the left side of the Wallkit.

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Checking and analytics reports

By checking these reports, you can get more information about how members consume content and improve the user experience.

Let's take a look at the Dashboard features provided.

The Total Revenue information section displays data that helps easily track trends and variances in a company's earnings, shows the direction of total revenue, and breaks down into different time frames, such as data for the last seven days, a month, or a year:

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