Information about all available content gets automatically passed to Wallkit.

On this page


The Wallkit interface allows you to review the content, access content conversion analytics, and

insights, and set pricing for individual content items to enable one-off content purchases.

How do the content items work?

When users purchase a plan, they only get access to specific content.

Rules can be created based on tags, categories, post types, and taxonomies made on the

customer's side.

Tagging lets you bring your content structure into Wallkit.

The content you've added is displayed on the overall content table, as in the example below.

Снимок экрана 2022-05-03 в 15.56.50.png

Content items can be added to a certain category.

In this way, access to content will be managed at the category level.

Снимок экрана 2022-05-03 в 16.05.05.png

You can also view all content accessible to a specific contact on their member page.

If you want to use the API, see the guide for purchasing content - this section only describes the

Dashboard steps.